A majority of your website visitors will not convert to clients on their first visit. Most people conduct research and do comparisons before they decide to make a purchase or use your services. Retargeting will help keep your brand to-of-mind after they leave your site by placing ads on other unrelated sites while they go […]
Posts Tagged 'Remarketing'
Running Natives Ads on Display Networks
What are native ads? Native advertising can be described as any advertising that matches the form and function of the platform it appears on. In digital advertising this could be display ads on a news website that blend in with the other articles, suggested videos in YouTube results, an ad in the Google Maps results, […]
Using Remarketing to Increase Website Conversions
Does Remarketing Really Work? We get asked this question often and the short answer is – Yes. Here’s why: If a user visited your business and was browsing around how would you like to have the ability to have a sales person follow-up with that person and offer them deals and remind them of your […]