MARKETING PROJECT: Kidrobot Toy Launch – 14 New Toys

Kidrobot, one of the world’s leading designer toy companies, wanted to create a viral marketing campaign for a new Azteca-themed toy launch targeting toy enthusiasts off all ages. The toy launch was for Azteca-themed toys designed by well-known artists around the world. Kidrobot wanted to create a buzz around the toy launch using multiple marketing channels. Using a pre-launch and post-launch marketing approach Metric was able to build engagement before and after products were available on Kidrobot’s website. The campaign leveraged Kidrobot’s large social media following, paid marketing channels on search engines, paid marketing on social networks, mobile ads, high-end creative work, and a microsite with video chat to engage with the artists. Social media channels were used to get the audience to connect with each of the 14 artists and their designs. The use of social media and live webcasts, before the toy launch, resulted in high engagement metrics and high time-on-site metrics.
- Pay-Per-Click Ads on Google
- Pay-Per-Click Ads on Yahoo!
- Pay-Per-Click Ads on Bing
- Paid Marketing Campaign on Facebook
- Mobile Ad Campaigns were designed for Android and iPhone
- Pay-Per-Click Campaigns using targeting Spanish Speaking Demographic
- Create Facebook Ads that target the audience near Kidrobot’s retail stores in San Francisco, New York, Los Angeles, Miami, and London
The campaign had a pre-launch phase where the designer toy community was targeted via social media ads and paid search ads. Using Facebook targeting Metric was able to segment ads to target an audience connected to designer toys, varying types of toys, and even well-known designers in the toy community
- Facebook generated 9,189,387 ad impressions in 14 days.
- During the first four hours of the launch about 3,563 visitors were sent to the microsite.
- Site had high engagement metrics. Average time on site for return visitors was 8 minutes per visitors. Four times higher then the average metrics for similar microsites.